10 images optimized for your Google+ Local Business (Google Places) categories and keywords.
Images may be stock photography or images from your website.
All images are uploaded to Picasa Web account, where they are Geo-tagged and optimized for keywords and Google+ Local Business (Google Places) categories.
All images contain strong call to action.
The Videos
5 videos optimized for your Google+ Local Business (Google Places) categories and keywords.
All videos are uploaded to an optimized YouTube channel and Geo-tagged. Descriptions are optimized.
All videos are branded for to your business and contain a strong call to action.
All video descriptions contain citation.
All video descriptions contain links to your profiles and Google+ Local Business (Google Places) page.
The Profiles / Citations
Optimized Google+ Local Business (Google Places) for businesses, YouTube channel, Picasa, etc.
All images and videos are uploaded to appropriate profiles.
Out of all the citations created for you, approximately 8 will be significantly optimized with images, videos and links.